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The content of the Spatial Ecology wiki is free and open source (CC-BY-SA license). However, WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY for its use. You can remix, tweak and build upon our work as long as you credit us and license your new creations under identical terms. And if you do use these materials, please let us know. The software we use has a GNU General Public License GPL or GPL / MIT compatible licenses.
Find out more about our methods here. Contact us at to organise training courses and ask about upcoming events.
Supported and sponsored summer schools and GNU open source initiatives:
OSGeo-Live is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu. Note that we use the the Virtual Machine for all our courses.
ISRIC Spring School on digital soil mapping – April 2013.
The NASA funded WELD , (Web-enabled Landsat Data) project.
OpenForis Project , a command line set of tools for forest inventory and mapping.
Download the book: Global Warming Impacts – Case Studies on the Economy, Human Health, and on Urban and Natural Environments on is available the R, AWK, GRASS and sh scripting
Geostat summer course for PhD students in Applied Spatio-temporal Data Analysis with FOSS: R+SAGA/GRASS. Lecturers: R. Bivand; E. Pebesma; G. Heuvelink; O. Conrad; M. Metz; T. Hengl; V-O. Ferrero
WebValley Summer School Project organized by tne research unit Predictive Models for Biomedicine & Environment, Fondazione Bruno Kessler