Useful Information

We are excited to meet you in Matera and introduce you to others passionate about the world of geo-data!



Event Location

The course is hosted by Universita della Basilicata – Dipartimento delle culture europee e del Mediterraneo and the venue is at Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Via Lanera, 75100 Matera – Italy, (see entrance view)  which is less than a 15-min walk from all B&Bs located in the old city centre “I Sassi “. You can enter from Via Lanera by following the path indicated in blue.



You can book your accommodation as soon the in-person week is confirmed and announced by email. We strongly suggest making reservations well in advance to get the best deals.

Attendees can choose from a range of B&Bs or hotels in and around Matera. You can book through web sites such as Google, or Airbnb etc.

Cheap accommodation in a nice heritage building: Fra i Sassi Hostel  and The Rock Hostel.

In previous years students have been in the The Rock Hostel  they have reported good experience. This year at The Rock Hostel  we have re-served a dormitory with 4 bunk beds for 26E/Night/Person. You can get in touch with your course mates if you would like to book together or share accommodation – in case talk with  Giuseppe.

Cost of living in Matera

The average cost of living in Matera is low compared to the rest of Italy, e.g. a meal in a regular restaurant costs about 15-20 Euro. You can find detailed information here.

Travel Information

The easiest way to reach Matera is to fly to Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport BRI (also called Bari Palese airport), which is about 70 km away. Bari Airport  is also served by low-cost  airlines such as Ryanair, Easyjet, Germanwings, etc (see the airline destinations from/to Bari ) from main European cities. If you do not find a direct flight we suggest getting a flight to Rome or Milan, spending a few days there and then continuing your journey by train or air.

There is another airport: Brindisi ( that is a bit further then Bari but a good option if you find a direct flight from your country.


Bari Airport to Matera

  1. Taxi: (80-100 Euro and 1h 15 min each way), get in touch with other course participants fopr ride shares.
  2. Bus: Direct bus service from Bari Airport to Matera (~5 Euro), running several times a day (1h 15 min trip). The ticket can be bought at the ticket machines (advisable, as the buses fill up quickly during busy times of the day) or from the driver. Ask the airport info desk if you need help.
  3. Train: the airport is connected by train to Bari Central Station, and from there you have to get a train to Matera. Note that there are no trains on Sundays. Info at


Other useful links

Collegamenti Aeroporto Bari Matera : navetta, bus, taxi

(Sites in italian but reports a time table. At the moment the sites list time table valid untill 31 March 2020, should update later on)

In previous years, some departing students have organized a minibus go to the airport. Therefore, you may arrange your arrival individually, and coordinate your return trip with others when you are in Matera.

  1. Connection Bari airport – Bari city centre – Matera (plan a 3 hours trip):
    • City-Bus public transport AMTAB BUS 16 , connecting the Airport with Bari Centrale railway station
    • Railway line & Bari Aeroport – Bari Centrale Station – Matera.

The bus & train options need to be planned in advance. Be aware that some public transportation lines do not operate on Sundays.


Alternative Routes to Matera

You can fly to Rome, Naples and connect to Matera:

  1. There is a bus service Marozzi which connect main Italian cities with Matera.
  2. SITA operates bus services from Matera to Taranto and Metaponto as well as other local towns and villages.

If you want to visit the area around Matera in the wider Puglia region, public transportation is available. However, when exploring at your own leisure and seeing more remote areas of the region of Basilicata and Puglia, a hired car (at Bari Airport) will be handy. Some other useful links: