Estimation of tree height using GEDI dataset - Support Vector Machine for Regression (SVR) - 2024

Let’s see a quick example of how to use Suppor Vector Regression for tree height estimation

cd /media/sf_LVM_shared/my_SE_data/exercise
source $HOME/venv/bin/activate
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv
jupyter lab Tree_Height_04SVM_pred_2024.ipynb
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVR
import scipy

# For visualization
import rasterio
from rasterio import *
from rasterio.plot import show
from pyspatialml import Raster
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split,GridSearchCV
# from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We will load the data using Pandas and display few samples of it

# data = pd.read_csv("./tree_height_2/txt/eu_x_y_height_predictors_select.txt", sep=" ",  index_col=False)
# pd.set_option('display.max_columns',None)

# print(data.shape)
# data.head(10)
predictors = pd.read_csv("./tree_height_2/txt/eu_x_y_height_predictors_select.txt", sep=" ",  index_col=False)
# change column name
predictors = predictors.rename({'dev-magnitude':'devmagnitude'} , axis='columns')
ID X Y h BLDFIE_WeigAver CECSOL_WeigAver CHELSA_bio18 CHELSA_bio4 convergence cti devmagnitude eastness elev forestheight glad_ard_SVVI_max glad_ard_SVVI_med glad_ard_SVVI_min northness ORCDRC_WeigAver outlet_dist_dw_basin SBIO3_Isothermality_5_15cm SBIO4_Temperature_Seasonality_5_15cm treecover
0 1 6.050001 49.727499 3139.00 1540 13 2113 5893 -10.486560 -238043120 1.158417 0.069094 353.983124 23 276.871094 46.444092 347.665405 0.042500 9 780403 19.798992 440.672211 85
1 2 6.050002 49.922155 1454.75 1491 12 1993 5912 33.274361 -208915344 -1.755341 0.269112 267.511688 19 -49.526367 19.552734 -130.541748 0.182780 16 772777 20.889412 457.756195 85
2 3 6.050002 48.602377 853.50 1521 17 2124 5983 0.045293 -137479792 1.908780 -0.016055 389.751160 21 93.257324 50.743652 384.522461 0.036253 14 898820 20.695877 481.879700 62
3 4 6.050009 48.151979 3141.00 1526 16 2569 6130 -33.654274 -267223072 0.965787 0.067767 380.207703 27 542.401367 202.264160 386.156738 0.005139 15 831824 19.375000 479.410278 85
4 5 6.050010 49.588410 2065.25 1547 14 2108 5923 27.493824 -107809368 -0.162624 0.014065 308.042786 25 136.048340 146.835205 198.127441 0.028847 17 796962 18.777500 457.880066 85
5 6 6.050014 48.608456 1246.50 1515 19 2124 6010 -1.602039 17384282 1.447979 -0.018912 364.527100 18 221.339844 247.387207 480.387939 0.042747 14 897945 19.398880 474.331329 62
6 7 6.050016 48.571401 2938.75 1520 19 2169 6147 27.856503 -66516432 -1.073956 0.002280 254.679596 19 125.250488 87.865234 160.696777 0.037254 11 908426 20.170450 476.414520 96
7 8 6.050019 49.921613 3294.75 1490 12 1995 5912 22.102139 -297770784 -1.402633 0.309765 294.927765 26 -86.729492 -145.584229 -190.062988 0.222435 15 772784 20.855963 457.195404 86
8 9 6.050020 48.822645 1623.50 1554 18 1973 6138 18.496584 -25336536 -0.800016 0.010370 240.493759 22 -51.470703 -245.886719 172.074707 0.004428 8 839132 21.812290 496.231110 64
9 10 6.050024 49.847522 1400.00 1521 15 2187 5886 -5.660453 -278652608 1.477951 -0.068720 376.671143 12 277.297363 273.141846 -138.895996 0.098817 13 768873 21.137711 466.976685 70

As explained in the previous lecture, ‘h’ is the estimated tree heigth. So let’s use it as our target.

bins = np.linspace(min(predictors['h']),max(predictors['h']),100)
predictors_sel = predictors.loc[(predictors['h'] < 7000)  ].sample(100000)
predictors_sel.insert ( 4, 'hm' ,  predictors_sel['h']/100 ) # add a col of heigh in meters
ID X Y h hm BLDFIE_WeigAver CECSOL_WeigAver CHELSA_bio18 CHELSA_bio4 convergence cti devmagnitude eastness elev forestheight glad_ard_SVVI_max glad_ard_SVVI_med glad_ard_SVVI_min northness ORCDRC_WeigAver outlet_dist_dw_basin SBIO3_Isothermality_5_15cm SBIO4_Temperature_Seasonality_5_15cm treecover
961179 961180 9.002606 49.943409 2465.75 24.6575 1539 11 2155 6596 28.451353 8080519 -1.591041 0.012319 136.325638 23 197.725586 73.151123 -44.627197 -0.011508 11 676770 19.525021 507.603088 67
607407 607408 7.765293 49.055771 4167.25 41.6725 1511 12 2255 6295 5.021838 -234507088 0.448925 -0.347678 322.474548 23 265.272461 73.711914 284.419189 -0.132713 13 802419 19.144218 471.898224 97
1060827 1060828 9.243496 49.658432 2836.25 28.3625 1473 17 2037 6471 11.806961 -147331216 0.390530 -0.012995 333.737427 23 134.083252 -75.755859 -242.521484 0.266221 16 716151 19.785627 481.739197 85
505090 505091 7.475499 49.068415 2653.00 26.5300 1511 8 2166 6255 38.529949 -50486000 0.003305 -0.023136 314.744080 17 459.085693 301.673584 186.497559 0.043207 14 895256 18.659155 456.794464 85
947348 947349 8.967719 49.036863 808.25 8.0825 1498 13 2498 6344 5.752874 -66689488 2.359247 0.025695 375.326569 18 221.609863 281.337646 458.820557 0.004314 8 821422 15.615726 456.941162 100
284850 284851 6.950663 49.603572 2410.00 24.1000 1474 10 2314 6048 -8.189173 -55867544 0.677808 -0.074596 409.441467 27 -128.700195 -172.768433 -316.594971 0.065228 16 798737 19.914400 458.479218 87
73897 73898 6.321339 49.869593 3767.00 37.6700 1476 13 1967 5935 -7.913002 -285684928 0.967748 -0.207497 364.737061 12 -94.073242 -252.760498 -336.036133 -0.039154 12 733607 19.857212 435.631836 85
1028632 1028633 9.159638 49.929903 2326.00 23.2600 1529 10 2043 6607 -4.634257 -138848160 -1.210037 -0.002230 167.123718 23 -158.086914 -169.591553 -282.893066 -0.050350 9 679557 18.590162 487.501373 85
1015487 1015488 9.126585 49.064275 1791.00 17.9100 1524 16 2229 6630 2.336048 -266147184 -0.465296 0.103106 226.628021 25 13.549561 12.242188 115.139282 0.191798 6 785819 20.237875 517.275818 86
447599 447600 7.325191 48.819760 911.25 9.1125 1508 14 2278 6233 39.398834 -65135856 -1.375481 0.071432 250.326370 26 -12.904297 99.083008 400.517822 0.159547 14 837665 18.448267 469.035736 4
(100000, 24)
bins = np.linspace(min(predictors_sel['hm']),max(predictors_sel['hm']),100)
# What we are trying to beat
y_true = predictors_sel['hm']
y_pred = predictors_sel['forestheight']

slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(y_pred, y_true)

ax.scatter(y_pred, y_true)
ax.set_title('slope: {:.4f}, r_value: {:.4f}'.format(slope, r_value))
#Explore the raw data
# data = data.to_numpy()
n_plots_x = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(predictors_sel.shape[1])))
n_plots_y = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(predictors_sel.shape[1])))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_plots_x, n_plots_y, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
for idx in range(20):
    ax[idx].hist(predictors_sel.iloc[:, idx].to_numpy().flatten())
tree_height = predictors_sel['hm'].to_numpy()
data = predictors_sel.drop(columns=['ID','h','X','Y', 'hm','forestheight'], axis=1)

Now we will split the data into training vs test datasets and perform the normalization.

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data.to_numpy()[:20000,:],tree_height[:20000], random_state=0)
print('X_train.shape:{}, X_test.shape:{} '.format(X_train.shape, X_test.shape))
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)
X_train.shape:(15000, 18), X_test.shape:(5000, 18)
# Check the normalized data
n_plots_x = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(X_train.shape[1])))
n_plots_y = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(X_train.shape[1])))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_plots_x, n_plots_y, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
for idx in range(18):
    ax[idx].hist(X_train[:, idx].flatten())
    # ax[idx].set_title(predictors_sel.columns[idx])

Now, we will build our SVR regressor. For more details on all the parameters it accepts, please check the documentation

svr = SVR(), y_train) # Fit the SVR model according to the given training data.
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_train, y_train))) # Returns the coefficient of determination (R^2) of the prediction.
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.22928
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.23923

Now, let’s test the fitted model

y_pred = svr.predict(X_test)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(y_pred, y_test)

ax.scatter(y_pred, y_test)
ax.set_title('slope: {:.4f}, r_value: {:.4f}'.format(slope, r_value))
svr = SVR(epsilon=0.01) # Let's change the size of the epsilon-tube, y_train) # Fit the SVR model according to the given training data.
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_train, y_train))) # Returns the coefficient of determination (R^2) of the prediction.
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.22953
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.23946
svr = SVR(epsilon=0.01, C=2.0) # Let's add some slack to this model, y_train) # Fit the SVR model according to the given training data.
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_train, y_train))) # Returns the coefficient of determination (R^2) of the prediction.
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.23885
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.24332

Let’s do I quick plot to show how this model is performing

y_pred = svr.predict(X_test)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(y_pred, y_test)

ax.scatter(y_pred, y_test)
ax.set_title('slope: {:.4f}, r_value: {:.4f}'.format(slope, r_value))

Since ‘C’ and ‘epsilon’ are hyperparameter, how can see be sure we are selecting the best parameters for this task? One way is via testing a large range of parameters

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

# Define a range of 'C' values and 'epsilon' values to test
C_values = [0.1, 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30]  # Logarithmically spaced values from 0.01 to 100
epsilon_values = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 15]  # Linearly spaced values from 0.01 to 0.1

# Matrix to store scores for each combination of C and epsilon
scores = np.zeros((len(C_values), len(epsilon_values)))

# Loop over the values of C and epsilon
for j, epsilon in enumerate(epsilon_values):
    for i, C in enumerate(C_values):
        svr = SVR(epsilon=epsilon, C=C), y_train)

        # Evaluate on the test set
        score = svr.score(X_test, y_test)
        scores[i, j] = score
        print(f'C: {C}, epsilon: {epsilon}, score: {score}')

# Plotting the results using a heatmap
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plt.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest',, aspect='auto')
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(epsilon_values)), ['{:.2f}'.format(eps) for eps in epsilon_values], rotation=45)
plt.yticks(np.arange(len(C_values)), ['{:.2f}'.format(c) for c in C_values])
plt.title('Test R^2 Score for SVR by C and Epsilon')
C: 0.1, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.21682555763895772
C: 0.5, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.2327115111641429
C: 2, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.24332399129084126
C: 5, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.24965731432940108
C: 10, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.2528470744558974
C: 20, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.25391837707102427
C: 30, epsilon: 0.01, score: 0.25460988042878185
C: 0.1, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.2170176388311188
C: 0.5, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.23291222203744189
C: 2, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.24341506839148852
C: 5, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.24987982376967
C: 10, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.25292791988873964
C: 20, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.25441157655982005
C: 30, epsilon: 0.1, score: 0.25484581132546236
C: 0.1, epsilon: 1, score: 0.2172350627203331
C: 0.5, epsilon: 1, score: 0.23458151280777473
C: 2, epsilon: 1, score: 0.24597876827910192
C: 5, epsilon: 1, score: 0.2502379399693968
C: 10, epsilon: 1, score: 0.2534825941742753
C: 20, epsilon: 1, score: 0.2566175188714863
C: 30, epsilon: 1, score: 0.2567636969640771
C: 0.1, epsilon: 5, score: 0.21905213780354127
C: 0.5, epsilon: 5, score: 0.24183319748987975
C: 2, epsilon: 5, score: 0.2546469408107457
C: 5, epsilon: 5, score: 0.2604352034134354
C: 10, epsilon: 5, score: 0.2637433079769611
C: 20, epsilon: 5, score: 0.2672598192682796
C: 30, epsilon: 5, score: 0.26741040964366114
C: 0.1, epsilon: 10, score: 0.1861858978784502
C: 0.5, epsilon: 10, score: 0.21377326353143555
C: 2, epsilon: 10, score: 0.2286860186876578
C: 5, epsilon: 10, score: 0.23548506624272791
C: 10, epsilon: 10, score: 0.23939490350161907
C: 20, epsilon: 10, score: 0.24159816718092486
C: 30, epsilon: 10, score: 0.24105998811002827
C: 0.1, epsilon: 15, score: 0.08930859833142202
C: 0.5, epsilon: 15, score: 0.11975400540466707
C: 2, epsilon: 15, score: 0.12987037083136999
C: 5, epsilon: 15, score: 0.13214626424310216
C: 10, epsilon: 15, score: 0.13579919629901205
C: 20, epsilon: 15, score: 0.13760749013346463
C: 30, epsilon: 15, score: 0.1392503915468961

For a fixed error margin (epsilon), you can perform gridsearch

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, r2_score
# Define your model without setting the C parameter
svr = SVR(epsilon=5)

# Define the parameter grid: list of dictionaries with the parameters you want to test
param_grid = {
    'C': [0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]  # Example values for C

# Define the scorer, if you want to change the default scoring method (which is R^2 for regression models)
scorer = make_scorer(r2_score)

# Set up the grid search with cross-validation
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=svr, param_grid=param_grid, scoring=scorer, cv=5, verbose=1)

# Fit the grid search to the data, y_train)

# Get the best model
best_svr = grid_search.best_estimator_

# Output the best parameter
print('Best value of C:', grid_search.best_params_['C'])
print('Best cross-validated R^2 of the best estimator:', grid_search.best_score_)

# Evaluate the best model on the training set
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(best_svr.score(X_train, y_train)))

# Evaluate the best model on the test set
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(best_svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Fitting 5 folds for each of 12 candidates, totalling 60 fits
Best value of C: 25
Best cross-validated R^2 of the best estimator: 0.24210840688100385
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.29231
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.26717
y_pred = best_svr.predict(X_test)
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(y_pred, y_test)

ax.scatter(y_pred, y_test)
ax.set_title('slope: {:.4f}, r_value: {:.4f}'.format(slope, r_value))
svr = SVR(kernel='linear',epsilon=5, C=30), y_train) # Fit the SVR model according to the given training data.
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_train, y_train))) # Returns the coefficient of determination (R^2) of the prediction.
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.18720
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.20898
svr = SVR(kernel='linear'), y_train) # Fit the SVR model according to the given training data.
print('Accuracy of SVR on training set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_train, y_train))) # Returns the coefficient of determination (R^2) of the prediction.
print('Accuracy of SVR on test set: {:.5f}'.format(svr.score(X_test, y_test)))
Accuracy of SVR on training set: 0.17729
Accuracy of SVR on test set: 0.20066
# import satalite indeces
glad_ard_SVVI_min = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_min.tif"
glad_ard_SVVI_med = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_med.tif"
glad_ard_SVVI_max = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_max.tif"

# import climate
CHELSA_bio4 = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CHELSA_bio4.tif"
CHELSA_bio18 = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CHELSA_bio18.tif"

# soil
BLDFIE_WeigAver = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/BLDFIE_WeigAver.tif"
CECSOL_WeigAver = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CECSOL_WeigAver.tif"
ORCDRC_WeigAver = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/ORCDRC_WeigAver.tif"

# Geomorphological
elev = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/elev.tif"
convergence = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/convergence.tif"
northness = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/northness.tif"
eastness = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/eastness.tif"
devmagnitude = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/dev-magnitude.tif"

# Hydrography
cti = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/cti.tif"
outlet_dist_dw_basin = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/outlet_dist_dw_basin.tif"

# Soil climate

SBIO3_Isothermality_5_15cm = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/SBIO3_Isothermality_5_15cm.tif"
SBIO4_Temperature_Seasonality_5_15cm = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/SBIO4_Temperature_Seasonality_5_15cm.tif"

# forest

treecover = "./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/treecover.tif"
predictors_rasters = [glad_ard_SVVI_min, glad_ard_SVVI_med, glad_ard_SVVI_max,
                      BLDFIE_WeigAver,CECSOL_WeigAver, ORCDRC_WeigAver,
stack = Raster(predictors_rasters)
['./tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_min.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_med.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/glad_ard_SVVI_max.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CHELSA_bio4.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CHELSA_bio18.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/BLDFIE_WeigAver.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/CECSOL_WeigAver.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/ORCDRC_WeigAver.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/elev.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/convergence.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/northness.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/eastness.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/dev-magnitude.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/cti.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/outlet_dist_dw_basin.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/SBIO3_Isothermality_5_15cm.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/SBIO4_Temperature_Seasonality_5_15cm.tif', './tree_height_2/geodata_raster/treecover.tif']
result = stack.predict(estimator=svr, dtype='int16', nodata=-1)
# plot regression result
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12,12)
result.iloc[0].cmap = "plasma"

Exercise: explore the other parameters offered by the SVM library and try to make the model better. Some suggestions:

  • Better cleaning of the data (follow Peppe’s suggestions)

  • Stronger regularization might be helpful

  • Play with different kernels

For the brave ones, try to implenent the SVR algorithm from scratch. As we saw in class, the algorithm is quite simple. Here is a simple sketch of the SVM algorithm. Make the appropriate modifications to turn it into a regression. Let us know if your implementation is better than sklearn’s.

## Support Vector Machine
import numpy as np

train_f1 = x_train[:,0]
train_f2 = x_train[:,1]

train_f1 = train_f1.reshape(90,1)
train_f2 = train_f2.reshape(90,1)

w1 = np.zeros((90,1))
w2 = np.zeros((90,1))

epochs = 1
alpha = 0.0001

while(epochs < 10000):
    y = w1 * train_f1 + w2 * train_f2
    prod = y * y_train
    count = 0
    for val in prod:
        if(val >= 1):
            cost = 0
            w1 = w1 - alpha * (2 * 1/epochs * w1)
            w2 = w2 - alpha * (2 * 1/epochs * w2)

            cost = 1 - val
            w1 = w1 + alpha * (train_f1[count] * y_train[count] - 2 * 1/epochs * w1)
            w2 = w2 + alpha * (train_f2[count] * y_train[count] - 2 * 1/epochs * w2)
        count += 1
    epochs += 1
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[24], line 4
      1 ## Support Vector Machine 
      2 import numpy as np
----> 4 train_f1 = x_train[:,0]
      5 train_f2 = x_train[:,1]
      7 train_f1 = train_f1.reshape(90,1)

NameError: name 'x_train' is not defined
[ ]: