Manipulate GSIM files

Recorded lecture: 1:25:10 - 2:05:20

The Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive (GSIM) –

Part 1: The production of daily streamflow archive and metadata

Part 2: Quality Control, Time-series Indices and Homogeneity Assessment

Copy paste the following commands in to the terminal. No jupyther-notebook file is provided.

Download the GSIM archive

cd /media/sf_LVM_shared
mkdir -p GSIM/zip
cd  GSIM/zip
cd GSIM_indices/TIMESERIES/monthly

Data exploration

To return a fast results we only perform the operation on ./US_*.mon files

Create x_y.txt file

First count longitude and latitude information.

grep latitude  US*.mon  | awk '{ print $4 }'   | wc -l
grep longitude US*.mon  | awk '{ print $4 }'   | wc -l

Now that we know that for longitude/latitude strings are not missing any entrance we can combine and create the x_y.txt

paste -d " " <(grep longitude US*.mon | awk '{print $4}') <(grep latitude  US*.mon | awk '{print $4 }') > x_y.txt

Count number of observations

For the column “MEAN” count the overall number of observations and also the ones that reported NA

paste -d " " <(awk -F , '{ if(NF>5) print $2}' US*.mon | grep -v date | wc -l )  <( awk -F , '{ if(NF>5) print $2}' US*.mon | grep -v date |  grep NA  | wc -l )

overall observation 2,053,753 ; observation with NA 556,197

Count how many observations per date

List (and count) unique date observations

awk -F , '{ if(NF>5) { if ($1 > 0) { print $1 }} }' ./US_*.mon | sort | uniq  -c > count_date.txt

Monthly MEAN distribution

Check if your data are normally distributed.

awk -F , '{ if(NF>5) { if ($2 > 0  ) { print int($2) }} }'  ./US_*.mon | sort -g | uniq -c

The monthly MEAN is skewed to the left.