Use of GRASS in HPC

In grass the level of input and output (I/O) is quite high therefore is convenient to create LOCATION directly on the folders that are sit on the nodes.

In this session we are going to see how to start a new grass project using a well standarized dataset: a DEM.


For this example we are goint to use: r.slope.aspect to calculate the slope r.out.gdal to export the GRASS raster to tif.

Create a LOCATION and MAPSET in /tmp

Using the flag –tmp-location we can create a LOCATION on the flight that will automatically removed when GRASS will be closed.

sbatch  /project/geocourse/Software/scripts/

#SBATCH -p normal
#SBATCH -N 1 -c 2 -n 1
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00 
#SBATCH -o /home/geocourse-teacher01/stdout/
#SBATCH -e /home/geocourse-teacher01/stderr/
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8000

#### sbatch  /project/geocourse/Software/scripts/

module load GRASS/8.2.0-foss-2021b

export IN=/project/geocourse/Data/dem 
export OUT=/home/$USER/dem

mkdir -p $OUT 
rm -f $OUT/slope.tif 

cp  $IN/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif  /tmp 

grass  --text --tmp-location /tmp/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif --exec <<'EOF'
r.external -e input=/tmp/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif  output=SA_elevation --o --q
g.list raster -p  map=SA_elevation
r.slope.aspect elevation=SA_elevation slope=slope nprocs=2 memory=7000  map=slope
# export the "grass slope" to a geotif.
r.out.gdal --o -c -m -f createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,ZLEVEL=9" type=Int16 format=GTiff nodata=-9999  input=slope  output=$OUT/slope.tif

rm -f /tmp/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif

GRASS rasters support three data types:

  • 32bit signed integer (CELL) wich can be converted in GDAL using Byte/Int16/UInt16/UInt32/Int32

  • single-precision floating-point (FCELL) wich can be converted in GDAL using Float32

  • double-precision floating-point (DCELL) wich can be converted in GDAL using Float64

Create a LOCATION and MAPSET in /dev/shm

/dev/shm is a directory in Unix-like operating systems that stands for “shared memory.” It is part of the virtual filesystem and provides an efficient way to access data without the need to read from or write to the physical disk. Therefore, when planning system resources and memory allocation, it is important to include the memory consumption of /dev/shm in the total RAM requirements. This ensures that the system has sufficient memory to handle all intended operations efficiently.

sbatch  /project/geocourse/Software/scripts/

#SBATCH -p normal
#SBATCH -N 1 -c 1 -n 1
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00 
#SBATCH -o /home/geocourse-teacher01/stdout/
#SBATCH -e /home/geocourse-teacher01/stderr/
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8000

#### sbatch  /project/geocourse/Software/scripts/

module load GRASS/8.2.0-foss-2021b

export IN=/project/geocourse/Data/dem 
export OUT=/home/$USER/dem
export RAM=/dev/shm

mkdir -p $OUT 
rm -f $OUT/slope.tif 

cp  $IN/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif  $RAM 

mkdir $RAM/grassdb$$

grass -f --text   -c $RAM/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif $RAM/grassdb$$/south_america$$ --exec <<'EOF'
r.external -e input=$RAM/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif  output=SA_elevation --o --q
g.list raster -p  map=SA_elevation
r.slope.aspect elevation=SA_elevation slope=slope  nprocs=2 memory=7000  map=slope
# export the "grass slope" to a geotif.
r.out.gdal --o -c -m -f createopt="COMPRESS=DEFLATE,ZLEVEL=9" type=Int16 format=GTiff nodata=-9999  input=slope  output=$OUT/slope.tif

rm -fr   $RAM/grassdb$$/  $RAM/SA_elevation_mn_GMTED2010_mn_msk.tif 


This material has been developed as part of the NSF-funded POSE project TI-2303651: Growing GRASS OSE for Worldwide Access to Multidisciplinary Geospatial Analytics.